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Coaching Supervision Diploma

Our next supervision diploma intake is in September 2025.  


Accredited Coaching Supervision Diploma (ADCST) & EMCC Global Supervision Award at Practitioner Level 

AC Accredited Diploma in Coaching Supervision Training (ADCST)

EMCC accreditation - logo - ESQA - colour - clear background

What is Coaching Supervision?

Coaching supervision is a protected space for coaches to explore and consider their work in a non-judgmental, reflective environment. We believe it's an essential for all coaches and part of best practice for their own development (we offer all of our diploma students 3 group supervision sessions on completion) 

Qualified coaching supervisors are trained to bring a variety of lenses and perspectives to each coach’s situation and stimulate thought provoking conversations, considerations and discussions. The aim of supervision is for the coach to feel supported, resourced and recharged, with new ways of thinking about their work. 

Why train as a coaching supervisor?

Training as a coaching supervisor adds to your portfolio and enables you to bring all the skills you have learnt and developed as a coach to support other coaches as they grow. Being able to offer coaching supervision alongside a coaching practice demonstrates that you take the coaching profession seriously and that you are committed to both your development and that of your clients.  Coaches are often described as being lifelong learners and when you train as a coaching supervisor not only do you learn how to support your supervision clients, but your coaching skills are enhanced by the new knowledge and practical experience that you are acquiring along the way.

Why chose the Optimus Coaching Supervision Diploma?

Our coaching supervision diploma programme runs in the same way that we run our coach training diploma programmes by supporting you to practically apply the theory and models we teach.  Our focus is on you getting the support that you need to refine and develop your coaching supervision skills.  

This includes
- Peer supervision partners to practice with throughout the course

- Practice within the training groups with competency related feedback to support you to develop and grow 

- Three individual development sessions for you to reflect with one of our experienced trainers and qualified supervisors on  how your supervision work is progressing

- Three group reflection sessions where you have the opportunity to discuss your work and learning with other students on the course

- Workbooks for each module with suggested related reading and reflective questions

- Live practical assessment at the end of the course 

- The opportunity to set up your first supervision groups and work with our trainee or alumni coaches enabling you to build your experience. 

There is a focus on you building strong supervision skills so that you're equipped to work with both individuals and groups. 

We explore coaching supervision through a variety of lenses including the following models: 
The Seven Eyed Model of Supervision
Seven Conversations
Frames of Reference
The Supervision Triangle
Relational Model

As well as  exploring: 

Psychodynamics in Supervision – with particular reference to Defence

Mechanisms, Transference and Countertransference

Transactional Analysis and Supervision

Nancy Klein’s Thinking Environment and Supervision

Positive Psychology and Positive Supervision 

Solution Focused Supervision

Neuroscience and Supervision

We will spend time at the end of the course looking at the different accreditation bodies and how we support you to become an accredited supervisor. 

Our next course is starting in September  2025. Message us to discuss your options. 


Course requirements:

- You need to be coaching regularly with at least 5 years experience of coaching and / or mentoring 

- You need to be accredited with the ICF or the EMCC 

Secure Your Spot Now!


                                                                                   With our flexible payment options

Pay in full at £4500  + VAT or 6 x £800 + VAT 

Outside the UK? Please email hello@optimuscoachacademy.com to sign up

Testimonial Phyllis Woodfine

My experience of Optimus Academy has always been a positive one.  After completing my coaching Diploma with them in 2021 I knew that I intended to at some point complete a supervision diploma.  I have been informally carrying out supervision (for therapists) for the last 15 years or so but wanted a tangible and accredited qualification.   The teaching was excellent - nothing less that I expected from Optimus.  Julia is extremely experienced as well as well qualified and a really supportive and thought provoking lecturer.  
The sessions were interactive and fun and incredibly informative and interesting.  The background reading to support the work was highlighted and as with much of Optimus' teachings you were not left wondering or floundering and worrying about what you had to do next as you were supported through the process. Assessments were fair and timely and the cohort were wonderful - an added bonus.
Thank you Optimus for a really enjoyable course and now a shiny new diploma which had furnished me with the tools to add this additional stream to my coaching business.  I am now able to help my fellow coaches move forward in their business and as a bi product my coaching has also improved - result!

Phyllis Woodfine

Registered Osteopath, BSc (Hons) Ost, PGCert ACE,

MSc Sports Injury Management, Master NLP Practitioner

Certified Hypnotherapy Practitioner 

ICF (ACC) Certified Coach



Testimonial- Nicola Rae-Wickham

Training to be a Coach Supervisor had been on my wish-list for a while and so I extensively researched the different courses and routes available, however, they weren’t quite ticking the boxes for me. When Optimus released their Supervision course I signed-up immediately. Given the wonderful experience I’ve had as both a student and trainer with Optimus coupled with the curriculum content and the delivery format, it was meeting all of my requirements.

I’m so glad I did the course, I’ve been able to diversify my income by adding Supervision to my offerings, I’ve successfully created a growing Supervision practice made of both private clients and associate work and its also had a hugely positive impact on my coaching practice as it has made me a better coach.

My colleagues on the course were some of the most supportive, intelligent and open-hearted coaches and this sense of community enhanced the already excellent training. Julia was a great teacher who designed the course content and delivered it with great care and openness which leant itself to a holistic learning experience.

Deciding to embark on the course was up there as one of the best professional, personal and business development decisions I have made

Nicola Rae-Wickham
ICF Accredited Coach, Creative Strategist & Coach Trainer

Testimonial - Rebecca Daniel


Embarking on my supervision diploma with Optimus was a no-brainer. After an extremely positive and transformative experience re-training as a coach with them to achieve my ICF accreditation, I knew the supervision training would meet or exceed my expectations, and it did. 

I had previously been supervised by Julia, the trainer, as well as trained by her on my coach diploma so I was confident that I would benefit from her knowledge, approach and expertise in this area. The course was structured well with a combination of teaching and practice alongside 1:1 sessions and group supervision of supervision.

Quite early on into the training I had already begun to notice the shift in my coaching approach and the impact this was having on my personal and professional development as a coach. Upon completion of the programme, this shift has continued and evolved. My coaching clients are benefiting from newly learnt skills and I absolutely LOVE supervising other coaches supporting them to increase their awareness, look after their wellbeing and continue to develop their coaching  skills. Supervision was the missing piece.

What made my experience training to be a supervisor an unforgettable one was my peers. The cohort was a nice size which meant we could build relationships and connections with each other on a deeper level. These connections made the experience more enjoyable and I finished the course with not only a qualification, with a clear path to accreditation, but I walked away with something even more valuable - a network of trusted and respected supervisors and friends!

Thank you Optimus!

Rebecca Daniel

Co-Founder of The Coaching Catalysts

ICF/EMCC Accredited Coach, Coach Trainer  & Coach Supervisor

Contact us for more information