Take your coaching skills to the next level
Already coaching? Take your coaching expertise up a notch and achieve major results with our Develop Your Coaching Skills course.
If you buy this course you will get the price discounted from the full diplomas (Associate or Professional)
Want to develop your coaching skills?
Whether that means getting more breakthroughs for your clients, or creating profound change that lasts... you can expand your coaching skills and experience more fulfilment.
You got into coaching to help people transform. Imagine up-levelling so you can get people even better results
It's time to enhance your knowledge, your skills and your bank of coaching approaches to become even more effective.
With a training covering Positive Psychology, Neuroscience and Somatic approaches you can strengthen your skillset and have more tools and techniques to use with clients.
Our Develop Your Coaching Skills Course helps you to deliver brilliant coaching sessions that can change lives.
7 Benefits Of Joining The Course:
An in-depth look into approaches that actually work – YES, they have actual scientific evidence behind them!
A range of coaching skills that help you connect with your clients at a seriously deep level
Opportunities to practise what you learn, and get real feedback from other coaches, including our ICF-accredited trainers with our monthly group sessions
Access to our trainers and an online community, where you seek support, get your questions answered and troubleshoot any issues that crop up in your coaching
LIFE-TIME access to this course, allowing you to complete it in your own time and review the material as often as you wish
Workbooks for every module, to help you review and reflect on what you’ve learned with further reading and resources you can access
- Monthly group calls so you can connect with other coaches and get your questions answered
As a coach, you know the importance of continuous development. We invite you to take the next step up
Module 1 - Developing your coaching skills
Develop key coaching skills in this module. We’ll focus on active listening, powerful questions, your coaching presence and energy.
Module 2 - Using Positive Psychology As A Coach - Part 1
Needs, values, strengths and beliefs. Develop key coaching skills in this module. We’ll focus on active listening, powerful questions, your coaching.
Module 3 - Using Positive Psychology As A Coach - Part 2
Use Positive Psychology as a coach. Figure out how to determine a client's values, needs and strengths using positive psychology models.
Module 4 - Neuroscience Behind Behavioural Change
How we change habits. Embedding new ways of being, New neural pathways.
Module 5 - Somatic Approaches To Coaching
Somatic approaches consider the whole person, focusing on the mind and body together. This trauma-informed method shows how to access the body’s wisdom to support clients.
Module 6 - The coaching context and going deeper with clients
Learn how to hold space for your clients, so you can assist them to change their beliefs and assumptions

Think you’d like to become an accredited coach?
If you aren’t quite ready yet, this course is an ideal stepping stone. It gives you a taste of training with Optimus, and if you decide to complete the diploma later… you’ll get the price of THIS course OFF the diploma. It’ll be like you’ve done this course for free.
I’m honestly shocked by how useful this training has been. I really didn't think I needed it, but I’ve totally changed my mind on that now. It was exactly what I need and I highly recommend it for anyone looking to maximise their coaching potential.”
I'd say, yes, it's an investment. And you know, everyone has to think long and hard about where you put your time and your money, but the me. If you want something comprehensive, well rounded, you want an experience to be able to grow as a person, to grow as a coach, to be more business minded, and to have a community of people around you and great trainers and mentors. This for me, hands down is the best training out there. And I think just three months down the line, I don't regret it at all, if anything, I'm happy to sort of encourage other people to jump on it and do it, it's really worth it is more than worth it.”
Questions and Answers
Do I need to finish this course within a certain time frame?
No, you can do this in your time and at your own pace. Whether you finish the course in 3 months or 3 years, it’s completely up to you.
How many group coaching sessions do I get?
You’ll get one each month to practise what you learn and ask questions.
How is the course delivered?
The course is delivered on an online platform through a series of videos. All you need are your login details and you can access the full course immediately.
What can I get from the Facebook group?
The Facebook group lets you interact with your peers. You can pose your questions here and explore some of the teachings. Having a community helps your development and can encourage you to consider things from new perspectives.
Looking for more information?
Download our course brochure for a further breakdown and overview of our best in class, accredited (ICF, AC) training programmes