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Our Values and Mission Statement


Our Mission Statement

To deliver excellent coach training solutions with a focus on integrating Psychology & Coaching to support professional and personal growth. 

At Optimus we commit to the following values:

High standards & Quality Service 

Optimus means best in Latin and we commit to being at our best when we are at work and supporting our clients through a commitment to continuous improvement. We value our clients experience and commit to providing a worthwhile, positive experience for you.

Learning & Growth

These are at the core of our business and impact all that we do: we see ourselves as always evolving and our team are committed to growth. We demonstrate this mindset with our clients and are always open to feedback on how we can make things better.

Resilience & Courage

We believe in building emotional resilience and being courageous to make bold decisions whilst supporting others to do the same.

Equality & Inclusion

We think everyone deserves a seat at the table and foster an inclusive environment within our organisation and our programs supporting people from diverse backgrounds and equipping our clients to do the same.