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Workshop Week

Are You Wanting To Learn More About Evidence-Based Coaching And How We Train People To Become Effective Coaches Using Proven Techniques?

You are invited to FOUR Free WORKSHOPs TAKING PLACE on  20, 21, 22 and 23 March

See below for a schedule of the different themes being discussed during the week.

Who are our ICF qualified experts speaking during the week?

Ruth Kudzi Author Image

 Ruth Kudzi

        Master Certified Coach

        CEO & Founder

   Julia Rogers

Master Certified Coach

Coach Training Director

Hannah O'Donnell

Professional Certified Coach

Coach Trainer & Mentor

'Are You Wanting To Learn More About Evidence-Based Coaching ?

Attend 4 FREE workshops from

20th - 23rd March 2023 

(You can also watch all sessions on catch up)

Join Ruth Kudzi, Master Certified Coach and Founder of Optimus Coaching Academy,  Julia Rogers, Master Certified Coach and Coach Training Director and Hannah O'Donnell, Professional Certified Coach and Trainer for 4 informative  LIVE workshops

We are going to be running these live workshops over a week to give you a flavour of how evidence-based coaching works, enabling you to experience the techniques we teach. You also get to find out about the future of the coaching industry and current trends.


 What Will You Learn During The Workshops?


20th March  1pm-1.45pm 

How coaching works: Neuroscience of behavioural change - Ruth

21st March  8pm - 8.45pm 

Understanding the drama triangle and how it impact relationships and communication  - Julia

22nd March  12pm -12.45pm 

How to get into a coaching mindset using somatic practices - Hannah

23rd March  8pm -8.45pm 

 The coaching landscape : opportunities for professional coaches + working with Optimus  - Ruth

All sessions are 30-35 minutes long with the opportunity for questions, they are live on zoom and will be streamed into a private Facebook group : recordings will be shared via email so you can catch up. 


What is Evidence-Based Coaching?

Coaching is Client driven, non directive and focuses on improving performance and developing an individual.

By applying evidence based coaching techniques, a coach  can help drive lasting changes in their Client's behaviour and embed new habits. This in turn allows the client to move forward in specific areas of their lives.

Who are these workshops for? 

Coaching Curious - You think coaching could be the career for you, but you'd like more insights into coaching and how it works. Or you're set on developing coaching skills to help you in your current role and are searching for first-rate training to give you the expertise you need.

Looking to Retrain - You have some coaching experience. But you want to deepen your knowledge, become more effective and send your success levels soaring, all with evidence-based strategies that produce favourable outcomes.

Why Is Working With The Brain Important?

Understanding how your clients think and the impact that perceived threats and rewards can have on decision making, problem solving and memory is essential for effective coaching. This is the cornerstone of behavioural change and underpins the relationships we have with our clients and the impact coaching can have on them long term. For me, these methods have transformed how I coach and the way we train our students at Optimus Coach Academy.

Ruth Kudzi, MCC Master Coach, CEO of Optimus Coach Academy 

Sign Up To Workshop Week Now : 20th -23rd March