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Introducing The SELFLESS model of Coaching


Today, I’m sharing an innovative coaching framework I developed called the SELFLESS model. Unlike traditional, formulaic approaches, SELFLESS is designed to be completely client-focused, emphasising the importance of building trust, creating a safe space, and forming deep, meaningful relationships with clients. We'll explore how this model highlights the critical role of a coach's preparation and mindset, and how these elements can lead to truly transformational coaching sessions. Join me as I unpack this holistic approach, aimed at empowering clients to find their own solutions and fostering personal growth.


Here are the Highlights:

00:00 Introduction

03:57 Focus on relationship-building for client trust.

07:44 Coaching focuses on client-driven learning and reflection.

09:52 This framework looks at the role that we play as a coach in terms of our preparation as well as the role that we play within sessions.


About Ruth Kudzi:

Ruth is the founder of Optimus Coaching Academy and a well respected and successful coach, speaker and author who has worked across sectors including leadership, career and more recently business and mindset. She has over 10,000 coaching hours and has completed hundreds of hours of training and coaching supervision. Ruth is a MCC level coach with the ICF and is our course director and CEO. Prior to becoming a coach Ruth was a senior leader in education.

Find out more here: https://ruthkudzi.com/

Connect with Ruth:

Website :   https://www.ruthkudzi.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ruthkudzi2/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruthkudzi/?hl=en

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ruthkudzicoach

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthkudzi/


About Optimus Coach Academy:

Optimus offers best in class coaching training for individuals and corporates.

If you want to know more about what we offer: https://optimuscoachacademy.com/coach-training 

We also offer business support as standard at Optimus, find out more here: https://www.optimuscoachacademy.com/

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If you want to know more about what we offer: https://optimuscoachacademy.com/coach-training